Obama camp circulating: Team Hillary’s racial “nuance”

Obama camp circulating memo highlighting Team Hillary’s racial “nuance”

posted at 7:39 pm on January 12, 2008 by Allahpundit
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Tough call for righties, as it pits two core conservative experiences against each other — false accusations of racism by the left for political advantage and faith in the fact that there are no depths to which the Clintons will not sink. Ace calls this a taste of what Republicans will be getting by the barge-load if Obama’s the nominee, but that’s not quite true. In the general election the media will do all this work for him. In the primary, in a contest of people of Pure Heart, his campaign’s got to nudge them along. See, for example, this comically anguished semi-apology from Josh Marshall to his readers for even covering the racial angles, urging them to exercise caution in jumping to conclusions about ill intent and command and control. This is the same guy, you’ll recall, whose outfit gleefully accused the GOP of racism last year for running an ad targeting Harold Ford that

Source: hotair.com via politisite

Posted by Albert N. Milliron, Iron Mill Interactive Media inc. http://www.politisite.com/

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