Rapist fathered 2 children with Kidnapped USA girl held 18 years

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Words fail me to wonder what went on in the minds this rapist and his female partner. If ever a call for Capital Punishment was needed, this is one instance where justice should be immediate and final.

A woman kidnapped when she was 11 has been found alive, after spending 18 years living in sheds in the hidden backyard of a convicted rapist who fathered her two daughters, according to police in El Dorado, Calif.

Jaycee Lee Dugard, now 29, was abducted from outside her home in 1991. She identified herself to police on Wednesday after the couple accused of abducting her brought her and her children to a parole office the day before. Police said the two children are 11 and 15.

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