South Carolina Venue Cant Hold Oprah

South Carolina Venue Can’t Hold Oprah

By Albert N. Milliron

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (IMNS & —Oprah hasn’t gone off her diet or stopped meeting with her personal trainer, she is still as slim and attractive as always But in Columbia South Carolina there is nothing better then the Big O. Yesterday, the Obama campaign announced it had to move the event from Colonial Center, which seats about 18,000, to Williams-Brice Stadium at the University of South Carolina, which has a capacity of more than 80,000. Since the South Carolina Game Cocks season is over, it will be filled with Senator Obama Supporters looking for a glimpse of the self made former welfare recipient Oprah Winfrey.

Since the time has come for the Political Camps to show their Hollywood and Star support, Oprah came out for Obama. While Senator Clinton gets Barbara Streisand, and on the Republican side, Gov. Mike Huckabee gets a kick to his campaign by Chuck Norris. Chuck went going on the Campaign Trail and showing up in the Spin Room of the CNN / YouTube Republican Debate in St Petersburg, Florida.

Who is the better endorser? Lets ask a few questions, which supporter is more like America? Oprah. Which Supporter has come from difficult times and understands what its like to struggle financially, physically, and emotionally? Oprah. Which Supporter comes in to homes on a daily basis and crosses all racial, ethnic, and religious lines? Oprah.

Why is an 18000 seat stadium not enough? Oprah. Senator Obama was having difficulty with voting age woman. I expect with the recent polls that is in the past. and Iron Mill News Service Reporters will be there to relate to you, its all about the “O”

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1 Comment

  1. Do you really think that Obama has a chance in the south… We just might have to secede again if that son-bitch gets elected. South Carolina ain’t for him, get wallace out of the tomb and lets have a real presidential candidate that is not clandestine.

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