Why are Criminals getting away with Crimes.

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Many people in Canada state how could this happen?  Well let’s see, just about any crime, trivial or life ending happen because of the following period:

The punishment in Canada never fits the Crime!

Why? Ask your elected officials!

Many Criminals take these criminal opportunities because the Risk is well worth the Crime.

Community Services, public apologies, and rarely any restitution to the victims.  Why?

Again, I direct you to ask your local politician where they stand!   Most likely these politicians will not have a clear, concise answer, they will spount non sensical babble about overflowing prision, addictions, low blood sugar, national studies by lefties etc.

On a final note, you have no one but yourself to blame for the rising crime rates in this country! Why?
Ask your local politicians, their answer may not be to your liking, but here it is….. You voted for them!

Ponzi scheme netted Jones $12 million: report

Last Updated: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 | 7:22 PM ET

 Disgraced Montreal financial adviser Earl Jones appears to have spent at least $12 million of his clients’ money, according to a report from the trustee investigating his corporation.

Gilles Robillard, a trustee for accounting firm RSM Richter, said Jones and his wife have been spending money straight out of the Earl Jones Corporation trust account since the mid-1980s. Robillard said there’s a large gap in the banking records so he expects the total amount missing will likely be double the $12 million he’s been able to track so far.

Jones’s creditors gathered on Tuesday to hear Robillard’s preliminary findings on the search for their money. Jones is suspected of using a Ponzi scheme to bilk dozens of investors out of tens of millions of dollars.

Source: cbc.ca

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