Ever say, “Are you blind” to a Taxi driver? taxi driver license applications now in Braille

Ever say,  “Are you blind” to a Taxi driver?  Here is the reason.  Our friends over the pound, trying to be ‘inclusive’ are offering  Taxi-cab driver applications in Braille.  Sound like something the Obama administration would do for a ‘created job” in the stimulus.  Since Obama is following after the British lead on healthcare, I am sure transportation leaders will be offering Braille applications for the justice department and others.

one city council might have let its enthusiasm run away with itself – by printing taxi-driver licence applications in braille.

In a move that is almost certainly the first of its kind, the forms can also be printed and downloaded in large print or audio format people with sight problems.

Read more: Enthusiastic city council issues ‘inclusive’ taxi driver license applications – in Braille | Mail Online.