Rally Calls for SC Governor Sanford to Resign over Affair


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By Albert N. Milliron, Editor Politisite.com

Columbia, SC – (IMNS) – A group of about 50 protesters gathered at the South Carolina State House calling for Governor Mark Sanford to be Impeached or Resign. At first glance Main Stream Media trucks from all over South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia were gearing up for a major event.  But the Major rally would never occur. After a careful review, it appeared that attendees were more media then protesters.

The Columbia weather called for scattered showers and appeared that it could impede the protest but cleared up just in time for the rally that lasted Just over an Hour.

The stage was lined with 17 people holding signs and chanting the old stand by, “Hey Hey Ho Ho Mark Sanford’s has Gotta Go”

Posters Signs read, “Don’t quote the Bible if you won’t live by it!”, “Take a Real Hike”, and “No Call, No Show, No Job”

Phil Noble, president of South Carolina New Democrats, said he wasn’t worried about numbers, a recent poll said 60 percent of South Carolinians think Gov. Sanford should resign. So Noble said it was a matter of principle.

There were a few Mark Sanford supporters holding signs that read, “We Support Sanford” When asked why they were attending the rally intended to oust Sanford they related that Sanford has done so much for South Carolina and there was more for Him to do.

Another couple stated that they felt that Sanford had personally let them down for not being in control of the state when he was away.

One group, Mission to America, actually traveled all the way from San Diego, California. The Mission Leader provided the most Charismatic portion of the rally encouraging political leaders to return to ethics, credibility, and faithfulness in politics. The group traveled with their dogs in tow. This writer was convinced that dogs were Republican and Cats Democrat. While the Dogs made no comments nor carried any signs they seemed to support their speaker.

The Rally was a Grassroots effort by Marilyn Hemingway of Seneca, S.C. called “Impeach Mark Sanford.” on the social Networking Site Facebook. The group has grown to about 6,000 members, but only 65 estimated that they would attending the rally today.

Mark Sanford’s spokesman sent out an email that stated the Governor would not be stepping down, saying the governor has a great deal of work to do for the State. Work that included rebuilding the trust of the people. Last Month Governor Sanford admitted to a national audience that he had an affair with Maria Belen Chapur while in Argentina.

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