Free Market Response to the ABC News / Obamacare Infomercial

Based upon the tremendous work and the town hall meetings started across the nation by Amy Kremer and Jenny Beth Martin on the issue of health care reform, they have been asked to participate in the Free Market Response to the ABC News / Obamacare Infomercial.  The event is scheduled to take place Wednesday, June 24, 12:00 Eastern, in Room 210, of the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C. 
The event is sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform, Media Research Center and the Health Care Freedom Coalition.  The panel will be chaired by Grover Norquist.  Panelists include Congressman Tom Price, Senator Jim DeMint, Doug Holtz-Eakin, Ph.D.: Why Government Health Care Is Expensive and CBO Is Correct, Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. (CAHI): Why a Government Plan Is a Bad Idea, Greg Scandlen, (CHCC): Why Mandates Are Bad Ideas, Victor Schwartz, Esq.: Medical Malpractice Reform, Rick Scott (Conservatives for Patients Rights): Grassroots Update, Amy Menefee (Patients United Now): Grassroots Update, Amy Kremer and Jenny Beth Martin (Tea Party Patriots): Grassroots Update.
As a fledgling organization operating on a shoestring budget, we need your help.  Amy and Jenny Beth just returned from a road trip to D.C. for the Health Care Town Hall at their own expense, and we’re looking for a few generous folks willing to help them fund this return trip on short notice.  If you can help with a donation (non-tax deductible), please contact me at [email protected], and I will help to arrange the donations.  We apologize for the short notice, but we need to know today so we can book flights and make all the arrangements.


Mark Meckler 
National Coordinator
California Coordinator
Sacramento – Organizer   Email:  [email protected]              Ph:    530-274-9900
Twitter: @markmeckler                              Cell:  530-210-6080
                                                             Fax:   530-274-9754

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