Iran’s supreme leader rejects Obama overtures


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Guess Santa isn’t into Olive branches of peace from the US people, when he has more riding on keeping Iranians on the Hard Line Path of Dancer, Prancer, Rudolf, and oh Yeah!  KILL ISRAEL!

Iran’s supreme leader rejects Obama overtures

Updated Sat. Mar. 21 2009 8:44 AM ET News Staff

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejected overtures from U.S. President Barack Obama for improved relations between the two countries, saying on Saturday that U.S. policy has not changed under the new administration.

During a speech to tens of thousands of supporters in the holy city of Mashhad, Khamenei responded to a video message Obama released on Friday in which he said he hopes for a greater communication between the two countries after 30 years of strained relations.


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