Obama’s Teleprompter Woes cause Late Nite ribbing by Leno

Obama’s Campaign made fun of John McCain for being electronically challenged.  But by being so he doesn’t need a working teleprompter to give a speech.  In jest the right leaning blogs have been talking about a new vast Right Wing Consiracy by slipping GOP talking points into one of  the Teleprompter Dependent President’s Speeches. 

As Obama walks on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno this evenening,  it has been reported that the writers have slipped in a few ribs about Obama’s recent Teleprompter chanllenges.

As you probably know, President Obama is taking a lot of ribbing over his use of a teleprompter. And we’re guessing Jay Leno is going to bring it up tonight.

But it’s fair game. Come on, he used one at a rodeo!


You heard about the teleprompter snafu that happened a couple days ago at the White House?

Well, Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen got up to speak following President Obama’s remarks and the new script wasn’t loaded into the teleprompter.

No matter to Cowen, he just started giving President Obama’s remarks.

“We begin by welcoming today a strong friend of the United States,” Cowen began welcoming himself.

About 20 seconds later he realized he was giving the wrong speech. You can read the whole story here.

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