DeMint Statement on DNC’s Negative Ads in South Carolina

DeMint Statement on DNC’s Negative Ads in South Carolina

Columbia, S.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement in response to the Democratic National Committee’s decision to inundate SC airwaves with negative ads attacking our Governor Mark Sanford.

“After years of losing elections here, the DNC should know better than anyone that spending lots of money to try and brainwash SC voters with misleading ads will not work.  South Carolinians are worried about the economy and their jobs but they have little faith in Nancy Pelosi’s desire to spend our way back to economic success.  Instead of wasting George Soros’ fortune bashing conservatives like Mark Sanford who are right to question further deficit spending, maybe the DNC should focus on some other state where they have more friends.” 

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