Beheading victim’s mom vows to fight killer’s release

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

A Winnipeg Judge today will rule whether Murderer Vince Li who beheading a young bus passenger and proceeded to eat him will be held criminally responsible for his actions.  If found not guilty, which many feel this judge will rule, will see Vince Li be sent to a hospital for treatment and possibily out on parole and back on our streets in 10 years if treatment is successful.  Though it is rare this guy will ever be released back into the public, the letter of the law may say otherwise.  The mother of the beheading victim vows to her last breath to ensure this never happens.

WINNIPEG — Carol deDelley is prepared to watch her son’s killer walk out of court Thursday headed for a hospital, not a prison cell. But the grieving mother is vowing to do everything possible to make sure Vincent Li never tastes freedom again.

“I am absolutely terrified of him and his capabilities. I think he’d do it again,” deDelley said Wednesday after hearing a second straight day of disturbing court testimony.

Li’s fate is now in the hands of Queen’s Bench Justice John Scurfield, who has reserved his decision until 10 a.m. Thursday local time.

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