Federal Tories want mandatory jail time for dealers: Canada

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Certainly a step in the right direction, lets hope it begins immediately.

ories want mandatory jail time for dealers

Updated: Sat Feb. 28 2009 11:26:26

var byString = “”; var sourceString = “ctvbc.ca”; if ((sourceString != “”) && (byString != “”)) { document.write(byString + “, “); } else { document.write(byString); } ctvbc.ca

The Conservative government continued its law-and-order blitz Friday by reintroducing tougher penalties for drug offences.

The changes came a day after Ottawa announced Criminal Code amendments aimed at gang violence.

But a veteran defence lawyer gave the government’s lock ’em up strategy a failing grade, saying it doesn’t get at the roots of gangsterism — alienated young people and widespread demand for illegal drugs.

Source: ctvbc.ctv.ca

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