Obama maintains a 4-11% point lead Over McCain. Weekly Poll Roundup

Senator Barack Obama still holds a commanding lead following the Town Hall Debate.  Many are contributing Obamas lead based on current economic conditions.  Others atttribute McCains 4-11% deficiet due to his wishy washy economic plan. For whatever reason Obama has a strong lead with a little more then 3 weeks to go before the General Election.

Here is a summary of major polls performed after the last debate.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Barack Obama attracting 52% of the vote while John McCain earns 45%. This is the first update based entirely on interviews conducted after the second Presidential debate and it shows virtually no change. On Tuesday morning, just before the debate, Obama was leading 52% to 44%.

In fact, the race has remained quite stable for more than two weeks. This is the sixteenth straight day that Obama’s support has ranged from 50% to 52% while McCain has been at 44% of 45% (see trends). Fifty-five percent (55%) believe Obama will win the election, 15% expect a McCain victory, and 27% say it is too close to call.(Source: Rasmussen)

Reuters/Zogby:Obama holds 4-point lead on McCain in race

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democrat Barack Obama holds a 4-point lead over Republican rival John McCain in a tight race for the White House, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Saturday.

Obama leads McCain 48 percent to 44 percent among likely U.S. voters in the latest four-day tracking poll, down slightly from Obama’s 5-point advantage on Friday. The poll has a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

NewsWeek Poll Obama 52, McCain 41 Read full report here

Fox News / Opinion Dynamics Poll, Obama 46, McCain 39 Full Report

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