Chambliss Wins In Georgia with 58% of Vote, No Filibuster Proof Majority!

Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News & Commentary from Georgia’s Run off. This election could determine if the Democrats  have a Filibuster Proof majority in the Senate.

December 2 2008

by Albert N. Milliron, Iron Mill Interactive Media Inc. &

Hello all you pundits, politicos, politstes, pollsters, politisites, political junkies, and casual political readers. Your at the right place real time election results from the senate runoff election from Georgia 

Update 10:38 pm – 96% Reproting – Chambliss 1,183,555 – 58%, Martin -873,113 – 42%

Update:  10:15 pm ET – with 92% reporting Sen Chambliss has won with 58% of the Vote.  He had to do a runoff election as in Georgia you must win with 50% and 1 vote.  He only won by 49% as there was a third party in November.

Senator Chambliss just gave his victory speech.  This win prevents The Senate Democrats from having 60 that would provide a Filibuster Proof majority.

Update: 10:08 pm -91% Reporting -Chambliss 1,119,052- 58%,Martin 801,795 42%

Update: 9:50 pm -86% Reporting-Chambliss 1,042,844 -59%,Martin (D) 726,014 41%

71% Reporting -Chambliss (R) 875,362 70%,Martin (D) 594,263 40%

GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss wins a Georgia runoff, ending Democratic hopes of a filibuster-proof majority, CNN projects.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Congratulations to Sen. Saxby Chambliss, who looks to be on his way to a second six-year term in the U.S. Senate. Democrat Jim Martin has made a good race of it, pushing Chambliss to a runoff in a state in which Republicans remain strong favorites statewide, but he had a lot of the obstacles in his path.

The county where I was the Republican Stratagist (Columbia ) Has Chambliss at 76%.  The  Augusta area has Martin at 59%,  Atlanta Counties all Hav Martin leading Chambliss by wide margins  Martin is winning in all of the major cities.  He is also taken a strong lead in South West Georgia. Martin’s Stronest County is Clayton where is commands 82% of the vote.   Having said all that, Most of Georgia is red.  In Forsyth county Chambliss Commands 85% of the vote.  Georgia can be viewed as a Red state less the I-20 counties from Augusta to Atlanta.  Then the 7 counties in the south east

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