Dana Perino Has Her Own ‘Shoe-Shiner’ See Photos

Some are calling the, “Shoe Fly” incident a victimless crime. Not so as White House Press Secretary Dana Perino  has a Shiner from the Shoe.  One calls this assult.  While Left leaning blogs and the Shoe Punnsters laugh about the incident,  Trybg to harm the Preident and Injuring a Government official is a major crime in Bagdad.  Had this Happended to Saddam?  Hanging or Firing Squad!

Perino is sporting a black-eye — she calls it her “shoe-venir”; others have dubbed it a “shoe-shiner.”
Perino was sitting to the President’s right with other administration officials. Beside her was the U.S. interpreter and his microphone, which was on a “boom” stand — a long pole atop a vertical stand that swivels around.

When Mr. Bush’s lead agent leapt up after the first shoe was thrown, he hit the stand, sending it swiveling. Perino had her eyes on Bush, didn’t see it coming and … well, boom.

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