The TERMINATOR Schwarzenegger to send out 20,000 pink slips


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger

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He really is The TERMINATOR!  Schwarzenegger will send out 20,000 pink slips if he doesn’t get his way.  The moderate Republican has to deal with those pesky conservative hold outs on raising taxes.  California as well as 3 other states are having severe revenue problems that include holding back tax refunds and delaying government paychecks.

In addition to shutting down public-works projects, Schwarzenegger administration moves toward massive state layoffs as legislators continue to seek the one GOP vote needed to pass a budget. By Michael Rothfeld and Jordan Rau
4:49 PM PST, February 16, 2009 Reporting from Sacramento — In an apparent effort to increase pressure on lawmakers negotiating an end to California’s fiscal crisis, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is preparing to send pink slips to 20,000 state workers.

The governor had delayed sending the layoff notices since Friday, hoping lawmakers would soon approve a package to close a nearly $41-billion budget gap. But despite intense negotiations since Saturday, Schwarzenegger and the Senate Democratic majority have been unable to secure a third Republican vote for a plan that includes more than $14 billion in new taxes.


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