Canadian “Charter of Rights” Can’t help Accused Terrorists!

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Using Canada as a Country of Convienience, certainly proves futile for Terrorists, accused or convicted that Canada for the most part aint Nobodys Fool!  But one can be sure if the Liberal Party were in Power, Documents by the Truckload would be couriered to GITMO, posthaste.

Thank God, Canadians voted to keep our Conservative “No Nonsense” Government to run this country, otherwise we would be hooped!

Charter can’t help accused terrorists

Two former residents of Montreal detained in Guantanamo Bay for alleged terrorist links lost their bid yesterday to gain access to Canadian intelligence documents because the men don’t have a strong connection to Canada.

In turning down their request for the material, a Federal Court judge ruled the Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn’t apply to Ahcene Zemiri and Mohamedou Slahi.

“The charter, an integral part of Canada’s supreme law, is a Canadian instrument enacted to enshrine and protect the fundamental rights of Canadians and those finding themselves within Canada’s territory,” Judge Edmond Blanchard wrote in his decision. “Its extraterritorial reach is exceptional and limited.”

Zemiri and Slahi are fighting civil actions in the U.S. to be released from Guantanamo Bay, where they have been held since 2002.


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