Welcome to British Columbia’s Third-World ghetto


First Nations First-Halt Immigration | Photo 02

First Nations First-Halt Immigration | Photo 02

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uploaded by Barry Artiste

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Canada and Canadians should be “Bursting with Pride” the way they are treating our Countries founding peoples. Again, not to “Flog a Dead Horse” does it make sense that our Governments objective is to increase Immigration to 300,000 every year, when it can ill afford to care for it’s own peoples? 

Virtually every successive government and opposition parties from the past to to the ruling governments today have paved the way since our arrival to these shores to ensure aboriginal people stay in abject poverty and subsistence until they are no more.

What Fine Immigrants We Canadians turned out to be! We voted for these Government entities, so we are also part and parcel of the problem.

Many state, we have done enough already, giving 10 billion dollars annually to be distributed amongst 1.3 Million First Nations People, when you do the math, that equates to less than $6,000.00 each, out of that comes healthcare, housing, food, education and government administration fees.

Now how many Canadians do you know can survive on that “Princely Sum” every year?

Nice Chump Change in exchange for an entire Country!

(Photo Inset) Denise Titian walks up the dock on her way to visit her daughter in Ahousaht, a small, isolated reserve surrounded by the ocean and mountains. Photograph by: Debra Brash, Times Colonist, Times Colonist

The water taxi slices through the thin veneer of ocean ice, past the islands rising out of the morning mist, into the inlet, where forested mountains sweep down to the rocks.

Approaching isolated Flores Island, in the heart of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the water is dotted with abandoned, half sunken boats, a legacy of the vanished First Nations fishery.

The sign overlooking the dock, which should say Welcome to Ahousaht, is missing two letters, telling its own story of the troubled community where up to 800 members of the Ahousaht First Nation, out of a registered population of 1,876, live in a village of mouldy houses and rotting buildings.

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