Is Canada Immigration Swayed on Ethnic Votes? It Seems So!


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Makes one wonder WTF our Government is up to when Ethnic Criminals facing deportation have our Canadian Government fight tooth and nail to keep Criminals in this country, yet a family from Russia face Deportation. The families only disgrace was the father was coerced to work for the KGB and spy on Japanese Businessmen.  Anyone who has half a brain knows, if you refuse to join the KGB and do their Bidding, you may as well put a gun to your head, cause you will be classed a traitor and sent to Siberia. All in all this Russian family were open about their past to Canada Immigration when they came to this great, if not politically flawed country we call Canada!

Guess not a lot of Russian immigrants vote Conservative or have tons of money, because if this Family came from China, Afghanistan or other parts of the world, Dollars to Tim Hortons Donuts our Politicians from every politicial party would be falling all over themselves trying to prevent their deportation, including issuing a work permit.  Criminals get into our county almost every day, and our Government officials seem non plussed about it, including the Terrorist Khadr family, whose son is currently in Gitmo.

Anyone who knows how to Google can verify my charges against Canada Immigration and MultiCulturalism Minister Jason Kenney’s Ministry and Politicians it seems prostitute themselves to stay in office. 

Case in Point- Lai Changxing, also known as Lai Cheong Sing, is wanted in China for allegedly heading a multibillion-dollar smuggling ring, as well as bribing officials and evading taxes. He fled to Canada in 1999, but Canadian authorities have been trying to deport him back to China.

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney confirmed Thursday that Lai has been granted a temporary work permit while he awaits the latest decision in his marathon legal battle with the Canadian government.

Family faces deportation deadline

By Wanda Chow – Burnaby NewsLeader Published: February 04, 2009 3:00 PM Updated: February 04, 2009 4:34 PM

Dmitri Lennikov cringes at the thought of the school project he has due in a couple of weeks.

The 17 year old has to outline what his plans are for the future.

“What is the point in doing this?” says the Grade 12 Byrne Creek secondary student.

Talking about his future is difficult when he doesn’t even know where he’ll be in three weeks.

After nine years of trying to gain permission to stay in Canada, a deadline is looming—his family may be sent back to Russia at the end of the month.


Anyone who wishes to voice their displeasure can contact Jason Kenney at the following address or email.

Ottawa Office:
 325 East Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

P. 613-992-2235
F. 613-992-1920
Email: [email protected]

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