Canada a desired location for Guantanamo Bay detainees

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

This story is certainly a hotbed topic, with the majority of Canadian polls stating Canada doesn’t want any detainees from Gitmo on Canadian Soil according to the CBC News Broadcast being delivered today.

Many state if they are innocent, as the US state, why isn’t Obama allowing them to immigrate to the good old USA?

Many Guantanamo Bay detainees cleared of terrorist charges and slated for release have expressed a desire to live in Canada, and refugee organizations are calling for sponsors.

The Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR), a non-profit umbrella group representing several non-governmental organizations and churches, is leading the plea, which goes out to groups and private individuals alike. The ability for citizens to sponsor refugees is unique to Canada, according to CCR executive director Janet Dench, noting refugees to every other country must be government-sponsored.


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