House Rejects Amendment Preventing Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

WASHINGTON, July 31 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — After adding abortion coverage and funding last night to the Democratic leadership’s health care bill, H.R. 3200, the Energy and Commerce Committee today rejected an amendment to prevent government funding for abortion or health plans that provide abortion coverage. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins had this to say regarding this latest Committee action:
“Once again the Democratic Majority has demonstrated it fully intends to fund or subsidize abortion services in their health care plan. Four amendments in two other committees to prevent funding or mandates for abortion have been rejected. Last night, the Committee rejected an amendment to prohibit mandating abortion coverage before explicitly inserting abortion coverage into the legislation. Today, the Democratic majority rejected another amendment by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) to prevent funds from paying for abortion coverage.
“The House actions last night and today do not shift the current policy on funding abortion, they destroy it. With the majority of Americans, we believe that health care legislation should not cover abortion. The actions of the House Committee demonstrate beyond any doubt that it intends for the federal government to fund coverage of abortion on demand.
“Whatever their position on the legality of abortion, we should all agree that abortion should not be funded by the federal government. I applaud pro-life Members, especially those five Democrats led by Rep. Stupak, who voted to keep abortion out of the health care bill.
“We will continue to work with members of both parties to remove abortion from the government health care plan when this legislation moves to the House floor,” said Tony Perkins.
SOURCE Family Research Council
via Once Again, House Rejects Amendment Preventing Taxpayer Funding for Abortion.