NBCs Tim Russert Funeral will be closed to the public.

 NBC Tim Russert Funeral will be closed to the public.

According to an unidentified source inside the NBC newsroom in DC.  Tim Russert’s funeral is going to be the closed to the Public  The main Washington news companies will shut down for the event.

The Flags at NBC Headquarters are at half staff.  Something that is reserved for statesmen.   Many would argue he was a statesmen of another kind.

A soon as Politisite gets the funeral arrangements, we will pass them on to you

Politisite has learned through NBC Media Relations that The funeral and memorial service will take place on Wednesday, June 18 at 4pm in Washington’s Kennedy Center. The funeral services will be closed to the public, but will be televised by MSNBC and made available for broadcast by other media outlets – Source – Media Relations Vice President Cheryl Daly NBC

Update –

 President Bush attends wake for newsman Tim Russert

President Bush attends wake for newsman Tim Russert

Bush and his wife rode in a short, unmarked motorcade to St. Albans School in Northwest Washington, where the wake was being held Tuesday in the refectory.

White House press secretary Dana Perino said that Bush wanted to pay his respects and offer his deepest sympathies to the Russert family.

The funeral for the 58-year-old of NBC’s “Meet the Press” is scheduled to take place Wednesday. 

A public wake for the South Buffalo native will take place in Washington Tuesday, with private funeral services scheduled there for Wednesday. There’s no word if there will be a memorial service for Russert here in Buffalo.

Several hundred people turned out for a candlelight vigil at Tim Russert Park in West Seneca Sunday night.

A wake for Tim Russert will be held tomorrow at St. Albans School, NBC announced yesterday.

Russert, the network’s Washington bureau chief, died of a heart attack Friday at the age of 58.

The wake will take place from 2 to 9 p.m. in the Cafritz Refectory at the school, at Wisconsin and Massachusetts avenues NW. Visitors are asked to park in the public garage of the Washington National Cathedral Close.

A private funeral and memorial service is planned for Wednesday.


TIM RUSSERT FUNERAL son LUKE eulogizes- prez hopefuls  6-18 TIM RUSSERT Hundreds Bid Farwell WAKE St_ Albans 6-17-08 Barack Obama remembers Tim Russert  Springsteen Music NBCs Tim Russert Funeral will be closed to the public.  NBCs Tim Russert Funeral will be closed to the public.

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