Expect little help on Guantanamo inmates: German minister

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Terrorists in Gitmo upon serving their time and release from prison has Obama looking for a place for these terrorists to live if they are refused entry into their native country.  A plea for placement for these accused terrorists has fallen on deaf ears for one country tired of being a dumping ground and with terrorist problems of their own.
Germany has stated if these terrorists are too dangerous to live in your country, what makes you think they are suitable to live in our country.  Thank God, we have a Conservative Government in Canada, cause we all know where some or all of these terrorists would end up.

U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Bill Mesta replaces an official picture of outgoing President George W. Bush with that of newly- sworn-in U.S. President Barack Obama at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo …

BERLIN – Germany’s interior minister said Wednesday he saw no reason why European nations should take in any prisoners released from Guantanamo, saying the disputed lockup was America’s problem to clean up.

Wolfgang Schaeuble told the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper that US President Barack Obama could not expect Germany to accept freed inmates in cases in which they could not be returned to their home countries.

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