Gitmo prosecutors to seek trial delay for Khadr and others

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Suspending the trial of terrorists by the Obama Administration so they can study it further has been issued.

Chances are the findings from the New Administration will come up with the same conclusion as the Bush Administration.

One can imagine if any terrorists are released without trial or mishandling of cases by political interference may enrage Americans with Sept 11 still fresh in their minds, lest Obama and his administration forget.

Indonesian human rights activists stage a rally and display a ‘stop turture’ sign in Jakarta on Tuesday calling for new U.S. President Barack Obama to immediately close Guantanamo Bay.

U.S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba – Military judges on Wednesday granted a 120-day suspension in court proceedings against Omar Khadr and the five accused plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, complying with a request from President Barack Obama.

A motion presented by prosecutors says the aim of the suspension is to give the new administration time not only to review those cases, but also the files of more than 180 other Guantanamo Bay detainees who have neither been charged nor slated for release.

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