Georgia Senator Isakson Blasts Obama And US House For Misleading Public, Misrepresenting His Association With Health Care Bill

Senator Johnny Isakson’s office issued a strong rebuke to the White House today in order to set the record straight regarding both his position on the House approved Health Care overhaul, as well as his position on end of life options.
Johnny_IsaksonIsakson offered an amendment during the Senate committee hearings in July to the Senate version that allowed an individual to offer end of life instructions in advance of a declining medical condition. This document is somewhat stronger than what is commonly referred to as a “living will” and in Georgia is known as a “durable power of attorney”. Further details of Isakson’s involvement were detailed in a Q&A piece by Jim Galloway.
Isakson’s attempt to ensure that the individual ultimately remains in control of determining the methods and levels of care has been twisted to the point of non-recognition by advocates of the House proposal, and they have gone so far as to claim Isakson helped craft the measure.
Isakson’s office today issued a fiery and blunt press release to correct these claims, and state for the record what he has done and hasn’t done in the name of health care reform. The complete release is below the fold, but the message is clear: Isakson is for personal choice and responsibility, and in no way wishes to be linked to the plan being pushed by the far-left Democrats in the House.
Isakson Denounces White House Comments Connecting Him To Terribly Flawed House Health Care Bill
‘This Is What Happens When the President and Members of Congress Don’t Read the Bills’
Please read the full article at Peach Pundit- Isakson Blasts Obama And US House For Misleading Public, Misrepresenting His Association With Health Care Bill — Peach Pundit.