We have become a nation of beggars


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Certainly when every industry and provincial government in financial straits, some through their own fault come a running hat in hand for a bailout of sorts shows Joe Average is left in the cold.  Finance Minister Lou Costello will be handing down the budget Jan 27th and awaiting in the long list of those with their hand out for some sweet, sweet coin will be none other than our illustrious BC Liberal Premier Gordo “Disco Stu” Campbell who pretty much pissed away our tax dollars on grandiose ideas like the 2010 Olympics, which when implemented by another Wonk, NDPs then Premier Glen Clark was to provide jobs and bucks o plenty for everyone, and come way under budget,  Now it seems it is exponentially way over budget, massive unemployment, so much so even Bill Gates wealth would make BC a pauper in his eyes.  One wonders what Fine Plans Gordo would have if British Columbias allowance for our infrastructure is upped, will any of this go to Joe Six Pack, not likely as I am sure Raises for All would be on the agenda for his Ministers, with High 5s for pulling off another coup. Cliche as Bailout is in the World of Business, it seems this is a excuse of convienience when incompetence by highly paid CEO’s still allows these same CEO’s to keep their jobs, while the rest of us are working from paycheque to paycheque.  NDPs Carol James grandstanding asking British Columbians to vote NDP next election comes spring, certainly shows her cluelessness in her party who started all this in the first place, only to be turfed out of office to be replaced by an even more incompetent Wonk, shows she must think we will pick the lesser of the two evils come spring election, Unfortunately many will be slapping on their Disco Platform Heels and vote Gordo back in, as there is no real alternative.

Dancin, Dancin, Dancin the night away!


Are you “shovel-ready,” poised to hit the ground running, or merely desperate for cheap cash to get through the recession? If so, here’s your last chance to apply to Ottawa for a piece of the massive government spending-bailout-infrastructure-stimulus operation now being prepared for Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s Jan. 27 budget extravaganza.

To get you going, the National Post has created an all-purpose Stimulus Canada application document. Simply make sure your company/institution fills out the form here to get in on the action.

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