Coke sued for ‘deceptive’ VitaminWater marketing

Barry Artiste Op Ed

Boy that sure is going to Pee O the Kitsalano Crowd who are always the first on the town to rush for the latest fad, especially if a celeb is prostituting herself for a Corporate who have used everyone from Britney to Micheal.
Kits crowd never to shy away from any Groovy Product to match their jogging togs, prefer Vitamin Water for running in, rather than those Hot Starbucks Lattes, which keep scalding their Nibbly Bits along the Bike path.

Coke on the other hand always touting the Real Thing, got the Snot slapped outta them when it had been discovered Vitamin water, pretty much is less water and only used for a delivery system to slam sugary crap down your gullet.

Pepsi must be doing High 5s all around at this Marvy News. 

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