Condos fire sale offers up to 40-per-cent discounts

Barry Artiste Op-Ed

Realtors cannot understand why no buyers of their housing at 40% off in their fire sale.  Hmmm perhaps British Columbians woke up finally and figured out overpriced homes even at 40% off is still way overpriced considering you do not own the land you are living on, especially when you calculate monthly strata fees to fix the place for life against leaks, not to mention Vangroovy Politicians who will likely raise everyones property taxes two fold to pay for the billion dollar fiasco called the Olympic village for the next 30 years.  Yeah, that is a pretty good assessment on my part. Hey Good luck trying to scam people into paying close to a quarter and a half million dollars for a 400 square foot shoebox you call a home. Hey even better luck trying to scam people into paying 2.5 million dollars for a 600 saquare foot closet in the Olympic village as well.  The names Tucker, Not Sucker!

In what’s being marketed as a real estate liquidation sale, the Onni Group of Companies is offering 375 Metro Vancouver condos valued at $150 million at prices it says are discounted by up to 40 per cent from those originally advertised.

Onni executive vice-president Chris Evans said Thursday that Onni was facing high costs in carrying the units under current financing terms. “It made sense to sell our remaining inventory.”

As well, Evans said in an interview, the sale makes sense because of the slowing real estate market.

“No one could ever have imagined the real estate market would drop as much as this. This is a reaction to the market that’s slowing.”

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