Grifter Takes Money and Dreams From Disabled Ottawa Man

OTTAWA – The sweetest dream of Doug Macklem’s life came to an abrupt halt on Christmas Day 2006 – via e-mail.

The message told him that the love of his life, Nicole L’Ecuyer, had died that morning from injuries suffered in a Christmas Eve car accident in the Dominican Republic.

“Other than my parents’ deaths, it was the worst day of my life,” says Macklem, 44, a computer systems analyst. “My world was just completely obliterated.”

Macklem held a plane ticket that was to take him in four days to the Dominican, where he was to meet Nicole’s family for the first time and tour the resort villas she had found and purchased for their future life together.

Macklem, born with cerebral palsy, is wheelchair-bound, needing help to eat and dress. Nicole was the first woman who seemed capable of seeing past his disability.

The two had met in August 2004 as Doug pursued companionship among the services advertised by an escort agency online.


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