Long lines at James Brown Arena as Palin stumps for Chambliss

AUGUSTA, Ga.—Thousands of people took to the James Brown Arena for a big GOP rally that featured Governor Sarah Palin. The Democrats held a rally of their own just a few blocks away. Both sides say it’s a fight to the finish.

“I can’t believe this line,” said Susan Conger jokingly. “This line is going all the way to Hephzibah.”

Sarah Palin drew thousands to the James Brown Arena, and hoped to leave the Republican base feeling good about Senate GOP candidate Saxby Chambliss.

“I’m so excited I can’t stand it,” said Ashley Wilson. “I may never have this opportunity again.”

Fresh off a hotly contested presidential race, the Alaska governor got back to the stump, and this time it’s personal.

“This is for my kids, and their future” said Governor Palin. “We need Saxby because we need checks and balances in Washington, and we will not have that if Saxby is not re-elected to Georgia.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” said Mrs Wilson. “I love Sarah Palin.”

Sarah Palin spoke to a crowd of 3,000 people for about 15 minutes. Many people braved the cold for hours.”

“I’m a tremendous fan,” said Phillip Jones. He was first in line. He arrived at midnight.

Democratic rival, Jim Martin held his own local rally.

“My opponent had to find somebody from Alaska,” said Martin. “I just had to bring somebody in from Dekalb County.”

Congressman Hank Johnson made his case for Martin. Neither candidate is taking anything for granted.

“Now you’re not looking at landslide Jim,” said Martin. “It’s going to be really close, and I’m going to need the help of everybody.”

“We’re cautiously optimistic these people are going to turn Columbia, and Richmond and all these surrounding counties out,” said Chambliss.

Governor Palin and Senator Chambliss kicked-off a 4 city tour in Augusta. They were expected to finish the day in Atlanta. Jim Martin was slated to make appearances in Augusta, Macon, and Atlanta.

The hours for the runoff are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday. All polling locations will be open. In Richmond County, elections director Lynn
Bailey is predicting a 15 to 20 % turnout overall, and she says the runoff will cost the city-county about $75,000.

Source: wrdw.com

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