Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on ‘shared values’

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Starting next January, all immigrants coming to Quebec will have to sign a declaration saying they will respect Quebec’s common values.

Many feel this is a Ballsy move by Premier Charest and the Liberal Party of Quebec, versus any other Political party across Canada.

This Ballsy move is riding the wave of sentiment of Quebecers who align themselves with the Town of Herouxville, whose Councillor and it’s citizens started it all when they made the first Ballsy move to push a similar bill forward.

Herouxville once they implemented this Herouxville Town Charter, was derided by many in Canada, but the majority of responses around the world were positive.

Premier Jean Charest and the world chastised the town of Herouxville as bigotted, when clearly all Herouxville want is to maintain their 400 year old Quebec Culture like anyone else and do not wish it to change.

Now with a Provincial Election is soon, Premier Jean Charest needs to save his political Bacon and his party, and has listened to the majority of Quebecers who want a similar bill that Herouxville and Town Councillor Andre Drouin implemented for their Town of Herouxville.

Many have the misconception that Immigration is a Right, when clearly it is a Privilege.

Perhaps a move towards letting those know who wish to come and live in this great county called Canada that when in Rome…………………

Many of the measures announced today were suggested by the Bouchard-Taylor commission on reasonable accommodation.

Disagree or not, the People of Quebec have laid it out what they expect of those who wish to make Quebec, Canada their home.

Photo Inset Yolande James, Quebec Immigration and Minister for Cultural Communities is certainly going to suffer the slings and arrows of discontent among the immigrant community.

Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on ‘shared values’

Graeme Hamilton, National Post Published: Wednesday, October 29, 2008

MONTREAL — Future immigrants to Quebec will be required to sign a declaration promising to learn French and respect Quebec’s “shared values,” the government announced on Wednesday.

In a document with echoes of the controversial code adopted last year by the rural town of Hérouxville, immigrants will be informed that Quebec is a democracy where men and women are equal and violence is prohibited.

“Quebecers have said yes to immigration, but they said yes to immigration on the condition that these immigrants integrate into our society,” Immigration Minister Yolande James said as she announced the policy, which takes effect in January.

She added that immigrating to Quebec “is a privilege not a right.” With Liberal Premier Jean Charest expected to call an election next week, critics denounced the initiative as an attempt to undermine the opposition Action Démocratique du Québec and Parti Québécois, which have both made defence of “the Quebec identity” a battle cry.

Quebec declaration

Quebec: Women can perform whatever trade or profession they choose. They are present in such decision-making positions as members of the legislature, mayors, municipal councillors administrators and managers of large companies.

Quebec: Freedoms and fundamental rights are exercised respecting the rights and freedoms of others, public order, the general welfare of citizens and Quebec’s democratic values. The use of violence is prohibited.

Quebec: The expression of hateful behaviour, whether it is of a political religious or ethnic nature, is not tolerated. Quebec society favours resolving conflicts through negotiation.

Quebec: Whether they are joined in common-law, civil or formal marriage, spouses – of the same sex or different sexes – remain equal before the law. The responsibilities of parents toward their children are the same.

Quebec: The Quebec state and its institutions are secular. Their decisions and their actions are independent of religious powers. … Denominational religious teaching is not part of the public school program.

Graeme Hamilton, National Post

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Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on 'shared values' Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on 'shared values' Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on 'shared values' Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on 'shared values' Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on 'shared values' Quebec demands immigrants sign-off on 'shared values'

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