Islam is a Man’s World Get Used To It !: Somali Woman Stoned to Death for Adultery

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

The recent story by a Islamic cleric on how to Beat your Wife incensed me to no end, as well as todays story in which a group of Somalian Islamic Whackjobs took it upon themselves to place a terrified 23 year old woman on trumped up charges neck deep in the sand and play “Boccie Ball” with her head until it turned into a bloody pulp leaving her dead, as well as an innocent child who was machine gunned down in a blaze of Islam by a Islamic Militant who felt 5 year olds were threatening.

Notice the groups of people sitting around doing nothing to prevent this, my point exactly, when those who will not lay down their lives for change, deserve what they get.

Of course these Countries have no problem whatsoever requesting our Country to Lay Down our Lives to help them now do they?  Or when they plead for Western countries to give them billions in Welfare Aid, with the bulk of it going to the Regime to slaughter their own women and children!  Certainly the adage “Teach a Man to Fish is lost on these Cultures”!  

Saudi’s on the other hand, just lop off your head, quick and painless for charges which in Western Society would not get a second glance, such as being Gay or having a wild haircut, bikini or holding hands in public.  Wow, how’s that for Embracing the Rich Multicultural Rainbow of Diversity?

We are so deep in this Cultural Diversity Crap, we need to get out of it, because we cannot pick and choose which Multi-Culture to integrate into our Western Society, that would be discrimination!

So best we choose one Culture! Ours!  Our Country, our Laws, Our Culture!  You can still maintain your Culture, this is not what this story is all about, just don’t try and place your culture above ours, after all if we chose to live in your country, we certainly would never chose to replace or change your culture to suit ours.

I truly believe anyone who wishes to live among us is more than Welcome, Just know what your getting into when coming here!

It is beyond belief we as a western nation even do business let alone give monetary aid to these countries who historically never help themselves or even wish to change their brutal regimes, including trying to kill us here and abroad, leaves me to believe that perhaps their time on earth should be limited and let their own god sort out this god forsaken mess they have brought upon themselves. 

Helping these countries is so well beyond comprehension that at times I am speechless, when their brutality flies in the face of our moral code and decency. Yet for the almighty buck our Politicians Kowtow and look the other way.

Our Politicians now in order to get elected, suck up for the cultural vote, regardless if they believe in the cultural ideology or not, that should tell you something, there is no whore like an old whore to borrow a phrase from Brian Mulroney. Yet we vote them into office anyway. Now how f**ked up is that?

Many state in Western Circles we should leave it alone, stop being critical of other cultures, embrace others cultures regardless if they are oppressive or against Gays, Women, or any other list of Donny Do’s and Debbie Don’ts.

Many in the Politically Correct Crowd state certain cultures are misunderstood, and are an exception to the rule when brought into Western Civilization.  Many say “Assimilation into Western Society is Bad”, everyone should embrace another’s culture’s rich individuality, cause just plain is not acceptable in our politically correct society, when many lefty’s state the rainbow of cultural ideology of multicultural goodness is more pleasing to the palette.

Many in the “Left Wing” state to deride another cultural ideology is racist and immoral, no matter what their good book says to the contrary.

Of course many religious ideologies brought into Western countries we are told are benevolent and righteous, with some cultural groups who wish their ideology to be brought into our Laws, as some cultures feel our current laws which were established over a century or more are just not suitable to another cultures moral code of ethics.

Does this not fly into the face of logic?  Especially when it seems that these cultures fled their own countries in terror with only the clothes on their backs, seem to long for the good old terror days from the old country after settling in their new Western Country which opened it’s arm and embraced them into the Western fold.

Britain for example has embraced Sharia Law, which, when understood states equality for women as well. If that is the case why have Shari Law replace British Law?  British Law also stated Equality for Women as well!  Sharia Law if understood word for word does state equality of the sexes, it is just some Whackjob Cleric’s misinterpretation that disallows womens rights.

History has shown though that in many cases Shari Law is rarely followed when it comes to women’s rights. Because after all it is a Man’s world in some Cultures, when women like so many Cattle are treated more so as Breeding stock for Men, in order to have lots of sons.

One Cultures Communist Manifesto’s one child policy was proof of that, as is the case of many cultures who either abort the female species, honour killings, take another wife, or dispose of that wife for another in favour of a wife who will bear them a son.

England’s Henry VIII going through women, like some go through snot rags was proof of that, but then medical science was just not attuned to let men know that it is once again the MAN’s Genes who determines the Sex of the child, never the woman.

Science today is discounted by many religions, including ours, even with proof positive, religions or should I say Ideology, because let’s face having an imaginary friend to worship is just that Idol worship, much like Elvis.

Bottom Line is this!  You are now living in a Western Culture, we did not force you to come here, you chose to, it is not like you did not know what our Western Culture was all about, unless you were living in a cave or rock!   You should know all about us by now if you within the first day living in our country haven’t figured it out.

I mean, I am sure you have witnessed your countrymen burning enough of our countries flags and political figures in Effigy to figure it out.

Our country is a series of laws and morals with a Constitution we implemented in stating everyone is equal, there is no misinterpretation or quaint cultural misunderstanding about it. 

Granted our laws are not perfect, but then our Country has not been in a Civil War with itself for at least 120 years. 

So though our laws are not perfect, they are our Laws drafted by us the people where all are equal, including you!

So one thing you really, really, really have to get through your thick head is this, Women are as smart, capable and valued as much as any Man, Women make great Teachers, Engineers, Plumbers, Policewomen, Doctors, Lawyers and Combat Soldiers, as well as valued mothers, daughters, wives and girlfriends.

To think otherwise means you are just not with the cultural human rights program, and perhaps this Western country of ours that we hold dear, is just not for you, so best leave immediately whence you came, cause changing our laws to suit your 1,500 year old cultural dark age ideologies ain’t gonna fly, so get used to it.

We fought and died for our rights and for this country, you on the other hand, if just arriving to our great country, just happened to be lucky enough to ride our coat tails to Democracy. One thing you should know, our citizens of this great country, do not have military or tanks on every corner blowing us out of existence or roving bands of religious nutjobs dispensing public beheadings or hangings, so you see we would have a problem with that and never stand for such atrocities.  We also have Free Elections! How is that for a Concept?

Oh yeah one more thing, we have Gay people in this country, a called North America, you know about them I am sure, as you have hung and executed enough of them in your country. YAY GOD!

Love us or leave us, the choice is yours ~ When in Rome……..”Assimilate or get the hell outta Dodge”!

Below is yesterdays opinion piece I wrote on a Saudi cleric on Saudi TV espousing the best way to kick the crap out of your wife. You really, really have to watch the video and read my opinion piece on this to fully understand what this story is all about, especially when Britain now has accepted Sharia Law in that Country.

I have also posted a undated photo of a Middle Eastern Woman for clarity on what is involved in burying them neck deep in the sand, the look on her terrified face of what is to become of her is evident.

Below is the Reuters story and photos on a horrified Somali woman stoned to death in Kismayu, Somalia

Execution – Somalia Woman stoned to death for adultery Tuesday 28 October 2008

A 23-year-old woman was stoned to death by Somali Islamists in Kismayu. A child was also shot and killed when gunmen opened fire as a relative of the accused woman ran forward towards the execution.

Somali Islamists have stoned to death a woman accused of adultery in the first such public killing by the militants for about two years.

The 23-year-old woman was executed late on Monday in front of hundreds of people in the southern port of Kismayu, which the Islamist insurgents captured in August, witnesses said.

Guards opened fire when a relative ran forward, killing a child, they said. “A woman in green veil and black mask was brought in a car as we waited to watch the merciless act of stoning,” one local resident, Abdullahi Aden, told Reuters.

“We were told she submitted herself to be punished, yet we could see her screaming as she was forcefully bound, legs and hands.

A relative of hers ran towards her, but the Islamists opened fire and killed a child.”

The Islamists last carried out public executions when they ruled Mogadishu and most of south Somalia for half of 2006.

Allied Ethiopian and Somali government forces toppled them at the end of that year, but they have waged an Iraq-style guerrilla campaign since then, gradually taking territory back.

As when they ruled Mogadishu in 2006, the Islamists now controlling the Kismayu area are again providing much-needed security, but also imposing fundamentalist practices such as banning entertainment seen as anti-Islamic.

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Islam is a Man's World Get Used To It !: Somali Woman Stoned to Death for Adultery Islam is a Man's World Get used to it !: Somali Woman Stoned to Death for Adultery Islam is a Man's World Get used to it !: Somali Woman Stoned to Death for Adultery Islam is a Man's World Get used to it !: Somali Woman Stoned to Death for Adultery Islam is a Man's World Get used to it !: Somali Woman Stoned to Death for Adultery

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