Saudi Cleric lectures Muslim young men on how to beat their wives : BEAT HER LIKE A LADY

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Below is a story presented to me by a Muslim friend of mine Tarek Fatah, who knows all too well, Whackjob Clerics who profess Islam as a kind benevolent ideology. Is adored by Wife Beaters everywhere, who says first give your wife a chance to obey, before slapping her around.

But we have all read in the media about honour killings, or impatience by some who just go Berzerk and to the quick, not wanting to bother to discuss options and just “kick the ever living shit” out or their wives, cause it is written somewhere it is okay to do.

Talk Show medium Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-‘Arifi sort of like a cross between “Dr.Phil and Oprah on Acid, with a smattering of The View and Maury Povich” gives what the Saudi Public want, and professes to know what Women Want! A good beatin.

If ever there was a Saudi Redneck, he is one fine example.

One should know, this above statement is an exception to the rule as there more Muslims who treat their wives and daughter with respect and abhor at the thought of violence towards them.

But if Western Society were allowed to showcase such a Ideology on National Television, one can be sure Protests and Human Rights lawsuits would be immediate and swift, but in the middle east, well, let’s just say that is another animal. 

Of course, this is on the heels of British Law, which now allows Sharia Law in the British Judicial System, one can be sure British Women will sleep soundly in their beds if their spouse happens to be an avid watcher of Muhammad al-Arifi.

Saudi Cleric lectures Muslim young men on how to beat their wives


From a television program aired last year in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during which cleric Muhammad al-’Arifi advised young men on how to discipline their wives.

Translated from the Arabic by the Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute. “Men beat women more often than women beat men.

Allah created women delicate, fragile, supple, and soft because they use their emotions more than they use their bodies.

While a man may use beating to discipline his wife, she sometimes uses her tears to discipline him. For men, women’s emotions may be fiercer than the strike of a sword.

“Before you beat a woman, first admonish her—once, twice, three times, four times, or ten.

If this doesn’t help, you must turn to the teaching “refuse to share their beds.” Thus, a husband distances himself from his wife in bed and in conversation.

If a husband comes to eat a meal and his wife asks him, “How are you? Do you want anything?” he must not answer.

The husband should not sleep with his wife. He should sleep in another room. “If this does not help, then the husband’s third option is to beat his wife lightly so it will not leave a mark.

He must not make her face ugly. Beating in the face is forbidden. Even if you want your camel or donkey to walk faster, you are not allowed to beat it in the face.

If this is true for animals, it is all the more true for humans. If a man is angry with his wife—if he says to her, “Watch out, the child has fallen next to the stove,” and she says, “I’m busy”—then the husband should beat his wife with a toothpick or something like it.

He should not beat her with a bottle of water, a plate, or a knife. Notice how gentle the toothpick used for beating is—this shows you that the purpose is not to inflict pain.

When you beat an animal, you intend to cause it pain so that it will obey you, because a camel would not understand if you said, “Camel, come on, start moving.” A donkey understands nothing but beatings, but to a wife, a light beating conveys, “Woman, you have gone too far.”

“A husband should not beat his wife like he would a child, slapping it right and left. Unfortunately, many husbands beat their wives only when they get angry, and when they start the beating, they use both hands and sometimes their feet, as if they are punching a wall.

Remember, brother, this is forbidden; your wife is a human being.

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Saudi Cleric lectures Muslim young men on how to beat their wives : BEAT HER  LIKE A LADY

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