Is Halloween a pedophile’s favourite holiday?

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

The United States have laws requiring Pedophiles to post such signs.

Some wonder if Canada would pass a law requiring Pedophiles to post signs stating “No Candy at this Residence”. Would British Columbia pass such as law, highly unlikely. They should also be required to state “No Puppies” in their White Van too !

Civil Liberty Organizations state it is unfair. Best thing is for parents to accompany children.

Is Halloween a pedophile’s favourite holiday?

Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun columnist

Published: Sunday, October 26, 2008

Many American states require convicted sex offenders to observe a curfew on Halloween or post a sign saying, “No candy at this residence.” With all the tough talk about crime in Canada, can we be far behind?

Knock-knock: Is Halloween really a pedophile’s favourite holiday?

After 364 days of telling their kids not to talk to strangers, many parents next week will turn their children loose to blithely approach anyone’s door with the invitation: Trick or treat?

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Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday? Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday? Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday? Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday? Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday? Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday? Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday? Is Halloween a pedophile's favourite holiday?

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