That’s Unpossible: Corrupt Politicians in British Columbia? How Ludicrous!

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

I find it hard to believe political candidates in this Province are corrupt, immoral, incompetent, there has to be a mistake!

I am sure our political leaders will get to the bottom of all this and correct this horrific myth, after all this is British Columbia, where even our Efficient Courts and highly respected Justice System who are quick to release criminals, because rapists, murderers and drug dealers, because Judges here find all criminals are either misunderstood or only commit crimes because they have low blood sugar.

Certainly all is well in British Columbia, where even the Homeless get homes and drive solid gold cadillacs, because let’s face it, British Columbia as our Politicians state, is we are a model for the rest of the world to follow.

These are facts, we can all take to the bank, along with our Carbon Neutral Tax cheque!

I have to go now and take a hot shower, and wash my mouth out with bleach, I feel so dirty.

Below is our Man- Jagmohan Bhandari and his illustrious Resume, certainly anyone who reads it, knows the untruths in this scandal of a story. I mean my God, the man is a standing “Member of Technology and Ethics”!

In ending, I think News Media should leave the man alone, and concentrate on more serious issues such as how come there are not enough Starbucks in this Province?

Dual candidate has checkered past

He wasn’t allowed to work in insurance, mortgage industries

Clare Ogilvie, The Province

Published: Sunday, October 26, 2008

WHISTLER – A Surrey man who is simultaneously running for mayor of Whistler and for council in his hometown was at one time barred from working as an insurance agent for being untrustworthy.

An Insurance Council of B.C. decision from July 2002 says Jagmohan Bhandari “failed to act in a trustworthy and competent manner, in good faith and in accordance with the usual practice of the business of insurance.”

The comments stem from an investigation of Bhandari by the council into activities he performed after switching employment from American Income Life Insurance to London Life Insurance.

The decision also states: “The Council determined that the nature of [Bhandari’s] contact with the Clients indicated that his insurance recommendations were motivated by personal gain and not the best interests of each Client.”

Insurance agents receive commissions for their work.

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That's Unpossible: Corrupt Politicians in British Columbia? How Ludicrous! That's Unpossible: Corrupt Politicians in British Columbia? How Ludicrous! That's Unpossible: Corrupt Politicians in British Columbia? How Ludicrous! That's Unpossible: Corrupt Politicians in British Columbia? How Ludicrous! That's Unpossible: Corrupt Politicians in British Columbia? How Ludicrous! That's Unpossible: Corrupt Politicians in British Columbia? How Ludicrous!

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