Boxer in trouble in California Election 2010

For the second month in a row, incumbent Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer is in surprisingly tight races with three potential Republican challengers in California.
Most troubling for Boxer in the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state is her continuing inability to cross the 50% threshold against any of the GOP hopefuls. Incumbents who capture less than 50% of the vote at this stage of the campaign are considered vulnerable.
But as Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports, points out: “Vulnerable incumbents still have the power of their office and still have a decent chance of winning. The Democratic-leaning political gravity of California will certainly give Senator Boxer a boost in that effort.”
Boxer leads former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina 46% to 42%, virtually unchanged from January. Another seven percent (7%) would vote for some other candidate, while five percent (5%) are undecided. Boxer led Fiorina by nine points in November and 10 points in September.
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