Michelle Obama to appear on Fox News

Michelle Obama and Fox News are sort of going to break bread this weekend. Thats because former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has wooed the obesity-fighting first lady onto his weekend show to talk about food, fat, and kids.
Huckabee, who famously lost over 100 pounds and wrote about it in Quit Digging Your Grave With a Knife and Fork: A 12-Step Program to End Bad Habits and Begin a Healthy Lifestyle, tells our Suzi Parker that he agrees with the first lady that childhood obesity is a major threat to kids.
Huck says he “commends” Michelle Obama
for taking on the problem and recognizing that it is not a “crisis of the month.”
“It is not a left/right, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican issue. This is an issue that falls beyond what I call the horizontal issues of left and right and rises to the vertical; level of up or down,” Huckabee says.
via Huckabee Gets Michelle Obama on Fox – Washington Whispers (usnews.com).

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