TORONTO — A man dubbed the “Summerlea Stalker gets 8 years: for 29 convictions.

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

One wonders what is wrong with Canadian justice when a man convicted of 29 offences, including kidnapping, robbery and sexual assault with a weapon is only given 8 years in prison, versus never seeing the light of day. Does the Justice system really, really think this guy is going to turn over a new leaf? Really?

Yep, par for the course in a Liberal Justice Society and Liberal Governed Toronto where law abiding Canadians have to ensure their doors are locked and look both way when walking in public when people like this guy are loose on our streets. A man who terrorized young women in 2006? Those in the know already say he cannot control his sexual appetite. No amount of prison will cure him.

And many wonder why some people are fed up and take the law into their own hands? Then all of a sudden Judges get all high and mighty, and enforce the letter of the law on those who do take the law into their own hands, Of course those who do end up serving life sentences, now you tell me where is the justice in that?

Stalker jailed for 15 years


TORONTO — A man dubbed the “Summerlea Stalker” for terrorizing four couples and abducting women was sentenced yesterday to 15 years in jail and declared a long-term offender.

“This pattern of conduct satisfied me that Floyd Johnson is either unable to or doesn’t care to control his sexual impulses,” said Justice Michael Dambrot in sentencing Johnson, 34, and placing him under a 10-year supervision order.

“I don’t have the slightest doubt this course of conduct would have continued had Mr. Johnson not been apprehended,” said Dambrot. “It remains not simply likely, but highly likely that he will, in the future, engage in further (criminal) conduct.”

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TORONTO -- A man dubbed the "Summerlea Stalker gets 8 years: for 29 convictions. TORONTO -- A man dubbed the "Summerlea Stalker gets 8 years: for 29 convictions. TORONTO -- A man dubbed the "Summerlea Stalker gets 8 years: for 29 convictions. TORONTO -- A man dubbed the "Summerlea Stalker gets 8 years: for 29 convictions. TORONTO -- A man dubbed the "Summerlea Stalker gets 8 years: for 29 convictions. TORONTO -- A man dubbed the "Summerlea Stalker gets 8 years: for 29 convictions.

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