Parents Neb. have limited time to Get Rid of their Teens

Nebraska’s safe haven law was designed to allow folks to drop off an unwanted infant  at a local hospital an other locations without worry of being prosecuted.  What the law didn’t account for is parents began dropping off their troubled teens at a greater rate then infants.  Parents would also travel from outside of Nebraska with their problem teens and bring them to border towns to unload a difficult kid.

Parents will have to make a decision soon whether their child has promise as the law is about to be changed to include only infants in their first 72 hours of life.

Listen Now [5 min 11 sec]

Day to Day, October 21, 2008 · Nebraska’s safe haven law was designed to let parents leave their infants at hospitals with no chance of prosecution. But a loophole has attracted parents from across the country who can’t handle their teenagers. Alex Chadwick talks to Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman about how he plans to fix the law.

Source: via politisite

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Parents Neb. have limited time to Get Rid of their Teens

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