Vancouver study finds free heroin reduces crime: BC reviewing Study

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

You know I do not even know where to begin in all this, first taking blame away from addicts whose excuses for their addiction ranging from rape to murder, now have a new ally. More Heroin, and wait for it……………………………………’s FREE!

What’s next? One can be certain there will be a study on alcoholism, Rubbies and the working Alcoholics alike who commit crimes and or murder while under the influence may also get a sympathetic judicial ear, perhaps a “Free Pass Get out of Jail Card”, and to even one better, alcoholics who drink the cheap stuff, may supersize their addictions and say they are addicted to RVSP 20 year old Schotch, so they can line up for a free bottle versus the Aqua Velva they usually consume.

Currently the Supreme Court of British Columbia has struck down a ruling that now allows Transients to set up Tent Cities in our Taxpayer supported Parks and the associated litter and eyesore that follows.  I for one say, Okay send the Homeless tent people to the Supreme Court Justices home, and let them set up Tents on their Front Lawn!

Vancouver City Hall for one has a Tent City on their Doorstep, and are allowing it for fear of reprisal for special interest groups.

To that I say par for the course in Leftville BC, obviously we have a Mayor without a spine to kick some ass. Granted housing is on serious short supply, but they are doing something about it, it takes time, most hotels and rooming houses are currently being bought and renovated in large numbers by BC housing all over the city, as past tenants and slum lords who owned it before BC housing took over, let it go into ruin.

Rest assured the more FREE housing we provide the Dregs of Society from all over Canada will ride the Rails to the BC Mecca of FREE, thus a never ending cycle of more and more homeless.

We one day will be known as the City of the Free Homes for everyone, while those with families who are working menial jobs to make ends meet and need housing, will be pushed aside in favour of the Druggies and Unemployed who feel working is a Four Letter Word.

Now giving Free heroin, will just allow a Free Shooting Gallery with Cable TV instead of the city streets and back alleys. Thank Christ the Federal Conservatives under Stephen Harper got in, and let’s hope The Prime Minister and the Federal Conservative state to the BC Government that any Federal Health Transfer payments they receive better not go anywhere near this FairyLand Heroin Induced program, if they wish to implement it.

Taxpayers I am sure will agree we need to nip this study in the Bud, before the British Columbia Government Bleeding Hearts in all due haste use our Taxdollars and give out Free Trips to Addicts, without having to leave the Farm. What we need is a long term incarceration of those addicted in the form of treatment to stop COLD TURKEY, job training as well.

If they refuse, then screw em, you are on your own. It is time this Province gets a Law and Order Backbone and tells everyone the Free Taxpayer Ride is over, you wants something, ya better god damn well work for it like the rest of us.

Vancouver study finds free heroin reduces crime NAOMI project reveals heroin addicts can be treated with legal painkiller

Cheryl Chan, The Province Published: Saturday, October 18, 2008

A legal painkiller called Dilaudid is more effective in treating serious heroin addiction than methadone therapy, according to a groundbreaking Canadian study.

The North American Opiate Medication Initiative, also known as NAOMI, examined the effectiveness of prescription heroin on hard-core addicts in Vancouver and Montreal, who have repeatedly failed treatment in the past.

Over a 12 to 15-month period beginning March 2007, 115 addicts in the study were prescribed medical-grade heroin, while 25 addicts were given hydromorphone or Dilaudid in a double-blind study.

A control group of 111 addicts received oral methadone. The results, released Friday, showed improved physical and psychological health, a decrease in illicit heroin use and a drop in criminal activities among all participants.

The retention rate for addicts receiving heroin or Dilaudid was 88 per cent.

All but one of the addicts receiving Dilaudid were not able to distinguish it from heroin.

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Vancouver study finds free heroin reduces crime: BC reviewing Study Vancouver study finds free heroin reduces crime: BC reviewing Study

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