Rumors of Atlanta Braves Pitcher, John Smoltz, running for John Linders Congressional seat are completely false. Smoltz told an Atlanta Journal Constitution reporter via SMS and a telephonic conversation
Pardon the language, but the brief conversation with Smoltz went something like this:
Me: jim galloway w ajc politics here. Could u call re ur interest in linder seat? Thx.
Smoltz: I do not know what you are talking about I am not in any way involved in anything regarding politics sorry.
Me: [Certain Washington source] says u would make gud candidate to replace john linder who has announced retirement. Interested?
Smoltz: Sorry I am not.
Smoltz followed this messages with a phone call an hour or so later, and — and from a volleyball tournament in Alabama — confessed that he’d thought someone had been playing a joke on him.
via Popping the balloon: John Smoltz says he’s not interested in Congress | Political Insider.