Monkeys getting High on Stimulus money

When President Obama said, “what do you think a stimulus bill is?”  I did not think it was to buy cocaine and get Monkeys high.  I know there is monkey business in Washington  but again, not this kind.  I am a bit miffed that Monkeys are getting high on my dime.  But that is what a stimulus bill is, a spending bill, for drugs and monkeys.  So how many jobs?  Well only 1 but not even a new job, an existing  job … are those people HIGH?
Look  if the stimulus was to create and save jobs they could have used Human subjects instead of Monkeys then when the subjects got hooked on cocaine, they could hire substance abuse treatment counselors to get them off of cocaine.  How about put them in inpatient treatment,  that way you could have nurses and doctors jobs as well.  I mean lets really create some jobs!   I mean what do you think a stimulus bill is anyway?  A spending bill right?  Heck if a guy dies in treatment.. you have a real shovel ready job.
This from the

An analyst at the Civitas Institute seized on that image when selecting a cocaine addiction study at Wake Forest University Medical School as No. 1 on a list of the “10 worst federal stimulus projects in North Carolina.” Civitas’ Brian Balfour takes swipes at projects, writing that they “seem completely unrelated to avoiding an economic ‘catastrophe,’ but rather an ad hoc satisfaction of countless dubious wish lists.”
So, what is the $71,623 federal stimulus grant paying for?
“It’s actually the continuation of a job that might not still be there if it hadn’t been for the stimulus funding. And it’s a good job,” Wright said. “It’s also very worthwhile research.”

Read the rest at
Man questions merit of coke monkey study
The 10 Worst Federal Stimulus Projects in North Carolina
Study of monkeys using cocaine:

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