Op/Ed: A Drive by some British Columbia Parents to press to expand Mandarin-based classes

Barry Artiste Op/Ed Like I had previously mentioned in my last column on this issue in what I feel is a “Let’s Drive French out of our Canadian Lexicon” I have no problem with kids learning the Mandarin language, but the kids better have a good understanding and fluency of French and English as our Official Language before entering a new Language. Kids have a tough enough time today just getting through school without the added pressure of taking on another language. If my tax dollars are needed for this, I say forget it, let em learn Mandarin in College on thier own Dime, Not Mine~!

Parents press to expand Mandarin-based classesAllison Cross, Vancouver SunPublished: Monday, September 29, 2008

Bilingual Mandarin-language kindergartens should be established in Vancouver public schools to give children an edge in the global community, says a group of Vancouver parents.

“In terms of language learning, at the kindergarten level, there are only two choices: English and French,” said Eileen Sue, a member of B.C. Parents for Mandarin.

“We do feel that children learn languages best before the age of nine. They are language sponges.” Learning Mandarin will give children an edge, helping them better compete with European students who regularly learn English on top of their native languages in school, she said.

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