Targeted: Does this photo of Barack Obama go too far?

The adjectives used to promote WorldNetWeekly – WND’s latest innovation – ring ever more accurately as the online news magazine’s latest cover is currently igniting emotion and outrage across blog posts and online forums.
At 400 animated, interactive pages, WorldNetWeekly’s online news-magazine experience requires at least electronically “thumbing” through the free issue to realize just what a reading revolution it really is. But that hasn’t stopped many in the blogosphere from judging it by its cover.
Featuring President Obama with a tomato splattered squarely on his nose, the image signifies not just a thorough booing of him and his policies but is positioned to liken him to common clown costuming. That latter point is reflected in the issue’s headline, “Enough clowning: Americans rejecting ‘greatest snow-job on Earth.'”
via Targeted: Does this photo of Barack Obama go too far?.