Obama settles to a 4% lead following Convention Bumps

According to a Quinnipiac University press release, Barack Obama has taken 4 percentage point lead following both Convention Bumps as the polling begins to settle with just 67 days to election day. Senator Barack Obama Leads Republican Candidate Senator John McCain 49%-45%. among likely voters. This compares to a 47% to a 42%. Obama lead in the poll conducted on August 19

Obama maintains a, “14-point lead among women and a 91-point lead among blacks”, according to the survey.

With young voters the “Democrats lead 57% – 37% percent among voters 18 to 34 years old while McCain inches ahead 49 – 47 percent among voters 35 to 54. Voters over 55 tilt to Obama 47 – 45 percent.”

Independent voters have shifted toward Republican but Obama is still leading by 1 percentage point.

“Sen. Obama is right back where he was before the so-called convention bounces with a four-point lead. The Democratic discombobulation after the selection of Gov. Palin as GOP running mate seems to be steadying. Women, black voters and young people favor Obama. Men, white voters and Evangelical Protestants pick Sen. McCain,” said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute

Additional Polling

Palin excitement levels off as Democrats regain lead

(CNN) — Is America’s honeymoon with Sarah Palin over? Polls suggest that might be so. Palin appears to be losing some of her initial appeal as Democrats make gains in the polls.

But polls show the momentum has shifted once again.

Palin’s favorable rating is at 40 percent, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll. That’s down 4 points from last week. Her unfavorable rating is at 30 percent, rising eight points in a week.

The poll was conducted September 12-16 and has a sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

Obama settles to a 4% lead following Convention Bumps

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