ACLU wants prisons to become polling places

There are few radical left-wing organizations more obnoxious than the American Civil Liberties Union. That’s because the ACLU doesn’t just pack a tie-dyed Volkswagen full of leftover San Fransisco hippies and drive to your area to protest, they pack a private jet full of lawyers and fly to your area to tell you what to do.

In South Carolina in the month of August alone they sued the state for not allowing a leftist state house candidate on the ballot even though he ran for and failed to win the Democratic Party nomination (which thankfully appears doomed to fail), and then teamed up with the Department of Corrections to stifle legislative attempts to look into numerous allegations of misdeeds.

So why should September be any different? Well, it won’t, because now they are fighting to give prisoners the right to vote.

State law allows people convicted of a felony to vote again once they have served their sentences, including all prison time, probation and parole. […]

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