“The Donald” Trump Endorses John McCain

During a telephone interview on Larry King Live, Donald Trump told Larry King that he will endorse the John McCain / Sarah Palin Ticket as he is upset that Barack Obama did not pick Hillary Clinton as His running mate.  He related to Mr. King that he sees McCain / Pailin as the best choice under these economic conditions.

Politisite had reported in,“High Profile Clinton Donors Are Contributing to McCain”

Donald Trump was among those who were begining to support McCain, but this was the first time Trump has endorsed McCain in a public forum.

“The Donald” Trump Endorses John McCain Posted on September 17, 2008 by politisite | Edit

“The Donald” Trump Endorses John McCain on Larry King Live.  He related the CNN audience that he Sees a McCain / Palin ticket as the best hope for the economy

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“The Donald” Trump Endorses John McCain “The Donald” Trump Endorses John McCain “The Donald” Trump Endorses John McCain

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