Canada’s Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada


Barry Artiste

In light of the Federal Election now underway with the Liberal Party slamming the Conservative government introducing new policies for immigrants to come to Canada in order to reduce the immigrant backlog. The Federal Court of Canada has allowed a $700 million dollar lawsuit to proceed against Immigration Canada who from 1995 to 2005 took money from Immigrants who were looking to either come to Canada, Sponsor immigrants to Canada or get visas to come to Canada.

Certainly a lawsuit of this magnitude speaks volumes on the trials and tribulations of immigrants who in good faith went through all the hoops and whistles to make Canada their home for a better life, and government incompetence from 1995 to 2005 which resulted in the lawsuit taxpayers make have to pay due to Canada Immigration taking the Visa Money and Running with it.

Oh and for those “Liberal Voters” quick to whip out the “wagging finger of blame” against the current Conservative Government for incompetence, would be well to remember the dates 1995-2005. That decade of incompetence was under the Federal Liberal Rule under then Prime Ministers Jean Chretien and Paul Martin, with the current Liberal Party Leader Stephane “Waffles” Dion in attendance who is now seeking to be elected as Prime Minister and who in the past and present calls the current new Immigration policies to be implemented by our now Conservative Prime Minister if re-elected as unworkable and bad for immigration, certainly shows Dion and his Liberal Party knows “Crap” about immigration as his past “Liberal government Wonks” brought us into an expensive lawsuit.

And the response from Liberal Party supporters on this story? Well certainly we will be greeted with such delicious distractions, such as Carbon Tax, Green Shift, Unity and other such non sensical drivel and promises by a Liberal Party who as always shows when “Push comes to Shove” it is better to think of future failures they wish to implement on taxpayers than to dwell on numerous past failures as their legacy, in which the Conservatives are greeted with at the “past Liberal Government Inbox” when Conservatives took took office look at that “Mountainous Liberal Inbox” and state “WTF”?

Immigration department faces $700M suit


A $700-million class-action suit against the immigration department for allegedly profiting off visa-seekers has been given a green light in a precedent-setting case.

A decision by the Federal Court of Canada has hit the right note with immigrants who are upset at the service they received from the department, which pocketed processing fees for up to 100 million visa applications between 1994 and 2005.

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Canada's Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada Canada's Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada Canada's Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada Canada's Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada Canada's Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada Canada's Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada Canada's Federal Canada Immigration Sued for $700 Million: Federal Court of Canada

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1 Comment

  1. I am afraid this case will be covered in dust soon. As a real estate professional I consider immigrants a big chance for our economy and especially for the real estate market, but stories my clients are telling me are often pretty negative. The beginning of the process is usually easy and attractive, but soon turns into bureaucratic labyrinth. This process distracts well qualified workforce…

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