Barry Artiste
Certainly Terrrorists preying on the US paranoia over Anthrax scares which previously hit the USA in recent years via the US postal service has taken a new turn to cause disruptions, and much cheaper than using a suicide bomber.
As the undated unrelated photos posted, one remembers the panic which gripped a Nation, especially around the Christmas holiday season when many were wary of opening any package with a sender unknown address.
White powder scare for U.S. in Pakistan; Envelopes sent to diplomatic outposts
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A U.S. official says two American diplomatic outposts in Pakistan received envelopes containing an unknown white powder last week, sparking a security scare.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Lou Fintor says tests are being conducted on the substance.
Tags: Security | opinion | World | Pakistan | American | islamabad | Diplomatic | scare | Envelopes | outposts | anthrax mailings | U.S.A | white powder