Gallup Daily: Obama Maintains 6-Point Lead, 49% to 43%

PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup’s first tracking report based entirely on post-Democratic convention attitudes shows Barack Obama maintaining a six percentage point lead over John McCain, the same as Sunday’s report. According to interviews conducted Aug. 29-31, national registered voters prefer Obama 49% to 43%.

Comparing Obama’s current 49% support with the 45% he received immediately before the start of the Democratic National Convention in Denver last week suggests he received a 4-point bounce out of the convention, fairly typical of past convention bounces. Aside from the past few days, Obama has only once previously attained 49% support from national voters, and that was in late July. (To view the complete trend since March 7, 2008, click here.)

Source: via politisite

Why Barack Obama should be the next President of the USA Why Barack Obama should be the next President of the USA

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